Home Auctions Expedited Shipping Costs on eBay – Absurd

Expedited Shipping Costs on eBay – Absurd


Yikes! It’s happened a few times, I’ve seen something on eBay, either a bid or Buy It Now that I am interested in getting and realized that shipping was beyond expensive, but absurd. Lately I’ve realized I need to take a good look at the shipping costs. True the costs have gone up a lot over the past few years, but some sellers are ridiculous.

Case in point — a fun cookie jar that I’ve never seen in person, was more than mildly interested in it. Price was under $100. but shipping was $58.50. Really? Today I looked at another piece, shipping was over $30. Shipping at most for these items would be maybe $20. and that’s stretching it. But $58. to ship a cookie jar? I didn’t even bother to ask the seller about sending it a different method, if that’s their mindset, I don’t want to even go there.

When I did “call” a seller on a piece a few months ago that was more for shipping than the purchase price, again listed as expedited shipping, he apologized and said he didn’t realize that was clicked in the listings. So perhaps this is an eBay thing, but I am not going to pay 100% over actual price for handling costs. No way.