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Getting Ready for Garage Sales


It’s a little hard to think about getting ready to have a garage/yard sale when the temperature is 10 degrees and there is ice on the streets. Unless you have a heated garage, which I don’t!

In our corner of the world, it won’t be too long before it starts warming up (or so I’ve been told!) and the garage sale signs will be sprouting on lawns as prolific as the weeds of spring.

If you’re preparing for your first-ever garage sale, or if you’re an old pro — a few helpful hints are always welcome.

If we don’t net $500, we don’t consider it a successful sale, I can’t decide if that means we have too much junk or just know how to sell it all. We usually don’t sell clothing, unless it’s kids and baby stuff, it’s mostly stuff we are paring down or not collecting anymore.

Toys are always good sellers, as well as household items. Although I used to sell on eBay, it’s too much of a hassle if an item is going to sell for, e.g. under $25. I would rather sell something for $10. at a garage sale than deal with the packing, shipping and commission fees. Another option that has just started being popular over the past few years is joining a Facebook garage sale group. Follow the group’s rules, stay safe and list either individual items or your actual sale on Facebook.

My biggest hints are having it all on one day, having lots of help and no discounts until two hours before the sale closes.

Read more of my tips for having a successful garage sale!

When we go to garage sales there are some things that can turn us off immediately and we’ll leave without buying a thing, do you make any of these top ten garage sale mistakes?

What are your tips for having a great sale? Share in the comment section!