Home Collecting Selling Cookie Jars on Facebook

Selling Cookie Jars on Facebook


I recently wrote an article over on Hubadub.com about the new ways people are finding to sell their stuff — the ABC’s of Selling Your Stuff on Facebook.

Having a garage sale, donating, eBay or perhaps selling on Craigslist has always been an option for clutter clearing, but over the past few years another avenue has opened up. Facebook. Yes, Facebook is not only a good way to keep up with friends, but also to sell and get rid of your stuff — good, valuable and even junk.

Facebook is also a great place to sell and buy cookie jars. The groups aren’t huge, but there are several on Facebook that are terrific for collectors to share their treasures, share their finds and also sell/trade jars.

For those of you who are not Facebook fans or perhaps afraid of it being a waste of time, it can be at times, but you can also join for the express purpose of getting involved with the cookie jar communities. Stay away from getting sucked into the games and other things that can indeed take up a lot of time.

Facebook has two different ways to create a spot for others with like interests. A Page and a Group.

Posts on Pages will feature the administrators up front and very visible, with postings by other folks shown in a sidebar. I use a page for my Cookie Jar 

A Group is where all postings are shown equally, which is the one I set up for others to buy and sell — the CookiejarMatchmaker.

Requests must be made to join most of the Groups, but are usually granted within a short period of time.

My cookie jar Facebook links:

Other Facebook groups that are of interest to jar collectors include: